Tiger Cub Tour
Junior Golf Tours – Tiger Cub Tour
A whole new generation of young golfers have been encouraged and inspired by Tiger Woods his outstanding performances and success in the game have led to thousands of kids wanting to participate in golf. The doors have now opened for kids that were once only open for adults, many organizations have sprung up all over the world encouraging kids to become involved in the game. Parents should take this opportunity as it will provide their kids with a firm base for the future.
Tiger Cub Cup
Tiger Cub Golf are a relatively new company when compared to some others although in a very short period of time the Tiger Cub Cup tournament has grown in Europe with various events now taking place during the golfing season.
Tiger Cub Golf became involved last season with the sponsorship of some events organized by the PGA of Northern California where kids had a good time playing with Tiger Cub Golf equipment. We at Tiger Cub Golf are dedicated to expanding opportunities for junior golfers.
The Tiger Cub Golf School in Hong Kong is directed and managed by Iain Roberts a former European Tour Player, Iain is regarded as the Number 1 teaching pro in Asia. During the 15 years as the Club Professional at the Hong Kong Golf Club Iain was the Hong Kong National Coach and largely instrumental for the positioning of the Hong Kong Open to its present day status as a major event in the golfing calendar.
For information regarding the Tiger Cub Tour please email us at or contact us online